- 9 am till 9 pm Monday to Saturday
- 10 am till 2 pm Sunday
OP consultation is catered to a spectrum of cardiac ailments including coronary artery disease ( heart attack, cheat pain, breathing difficulty), structural heart disease ( block and leakage in valves), congenital heart disease ( hole in the heart), arrhythmias ( abnormal heartbeat causing giddiness and faint), cardiomyopathies ( disease of the heart muscle causing thickening), cor-pulmonaria ( disease of the heart due to lung conditions causing breathing difficulty), cardiorenal syndrome ( disease of the kidney due to heart conditions ), pericardial disease and preventive cardiology. One of the key areas of interest of Dr Vatchsala Sree is the pre-operative assessment of patients for major and minor surgeries.

As diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol (Dyslipidaemia) are integral part of cardiac disease conditions, consultation is offered to these illnesses also. Diet and exercise counselling are offered to all patients.